Thursday, May 15, 2008

Colour Code

What if we wake up in the morning to find that the world has turned black and white? Imagine life without colors! A mother formally introduces a baby to colors by showing it the blue sky. And then as we grow up, we have some unforgettable personal moments when we get the first pack of crayons or have a chance encounter with a rainbow.

Everything colorful around gradually transforms into symbolism. In some cases it is well-defined like the color codes to denote the resistance of a conductor or the change in taste with the change in colors while cooking food. But every person understands and gets accustomed to a personal undefined color language. The red color of a bride's dress and a rose speak of love, the golden color of light represents prosperity and the color pink cannot make me think of anything else but Neha Singh :P

Whereas the codes of black-white, saffron-green for me will always be the symbols of depravity of human mind, the thing which I am going to miss the most about the hostel is the fun of celebrating colors on holi which erases all codes and differences.

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