Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Looking forward to...

It was 1:30 post lunch and I was feeling a bit tired & bored. There were no pressing deadlines but there was a meeting to be scheduled, some new ideas which I could start working on, some interesting articles that I have been looking forward to finish reading since long etc but stillI felt tired and bored. I wanted the clock to run faster as I was looking forward to gym and French class in the evening which I have been ignoring since a long time. I wanted these few hours to get over quickly.
But while I was still cribbing in my head, it struck me: " Whom do these hours belong to?"
There are many things that belong to me and I love them. I love possessing new things and hence my mania for shopping which I openly and shamelessly assert at the first chance.( which is quite obvious as I talk about it in a seemingly irrelevant context :-) )
I never want to loose my possessions. Were my hours really so insignificant to me?It really hurts me to think that on so many occasion I end up loosing my time or wish it to get over soon because of some lame excuses which are mostly looking forward to something elsewhich seems more interesting then. These excuses are lame indeed!
It is almost ironic that in trying to get rid of things that momentarily are not very appealing,we end up loosing those precious moments in search of something else.
While I was still in the rambling mode, I get this deadline task..

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