Friday, April 17, 2009


I am writing after a long time and I think I wrote the last time during the ddp days at IIT. Everyone keeps talking about the principle of change being the only thing that never changes and truly so many things have changed since July. We all encounter many changes everyday but stepping out of the college life into the corporate world was a big change for me which I always thought would be noisy and conspicuous. There was a sense of awareness of things changing around me and hence this blog entry but surprisingly it has been a relatively smooth transition.
All seniors kept talking about the nostalgia and how much do they miss college life and friends which used to make me dread leaving the place and entering into a totally new world. But now I am looking forward to all the new things ahead of me.
I miss IIT a lot and I don't think its possible to reconstruct the experiences of those days in future at any other place but there are so many things which I like so much about the work life. The professionalism which is a part and parcel of the corporate culture to me is an absolute winner over the "coolness quotient notion" of the college days which used to be a popular alibi for not being disciplined most of the times. It feels good to be rewarded for being serious & focused about the goals.
One may say that its about being able to adapt to the surroundings as they change and make the most out of it but lets just say I am not so adaptable (Is this ironic to "the whole life is strewn with ceaseless changes and accepting the change" idea that I started with?) and I am happy being in the place that suits me better.
And ofcourse, I have been shopping like a maniac, what can be more fulfilling than that?;) At the risk of being too optimistic ( excuse the effect of financial lingo ), I will say that it feels great to be growing everyday into a different & better person, closer to what I want to be.
I am just wondering the number of times I have used the word "change" above!

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