Friday, May 8, 2009

Optimism or denial?

Just read this article "For a happier life, shake off your misplaced optimism" on FT where the author talks about sheer "hope" being one of the key causes of the financial crisis where everyone just had too much faith in the future growth of economy and just forgot to factor in the risk of a calamity or unexpected.The article talks about a very valid point of too much optimism being counter-productive at times. I just could not help but wonder how frequently in life we tread the fine line between optimism and unrealistic expectations. Is a little pessimism healthy for making practical life choices?

All the black swans in the bountiful river of hope exhort us to treat all the unexpected events as the ones which would change us for better in an unexpected way. Does it always help to take life as it comes with a few rare calamities embedded into it by hoping that these events will unfold something unknowingly fruitful? Or does it make sense to sacrifice a bit of optimism in accepting the eventuality of the black swans and making practical decisions before they swim into the hopeful river full of pointed stones questioning our decision-making and foresight?
Have we been over-stretching our optimisim to justify things not turning up as we had expected them to? Is it not better to introspect and think of a better approach for the time to come instead of being so reluctant in accepting "grapes are sour"?At times, we are not in control of anything that happens to us. But it might be better to take it as an event to learn something from instead of clouding it with too much optimism that everything happened for the best.
I will not have even myself question my optimism which is sacred in a lot of ways but I just feel that we tend to overuse the "hope for the best" medicine at times instead of asking ourselves about what really went wrong?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

With a song..

I start with a song, a new one
or the same as the one before.
Its the sound of what I could be,
the music flows in the stream
of unsung feelings, unsaid thoughts.
Lyrics pick up a special meaning,
meaning of happiness and love.

I return with a song, a new one
or the one I started with,
but its not the same sound,
The music now flows to remind
the spoken words, numbed feelings.
All meanings are lost,
to be reinvented when I start again..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Looking forward to...

It was 1:30 post lunch and I was feeling a bit tired & bored. There were no pressing deadlines but there was a meeting to be scheduled, some new ideas which I could start working on, some interesting articles that I have been looking forward to finish reading since long etc but stillI felt tired and bored. I wanted the clock to run faster as I was looking forward to gym and French class in the evening which I have been ignoring since a long time. I wanted these few hours to get over quickly.
But while I was still cribbing in my head, it struck me: " Whom do these hours belong to?"
There are many things that belong to me and I love them. I love possessing new things and hence my mania for shopping which I openly and shamelessly assert at the first chance.( which is quite obvious as I talk about it in a seemingly irrelevant context :-) )
I never want to loose my possessions. Were my hours really so insignificant to me?It really hurts me to think that on so many occasion I end up loosing my time or wish it to get over soon because of some lame excuses which are mostly looking forward to something elsewhich seems more interesting then. These excuses are lame indeed!
It is almost ironic that in trying to get rid of things that momentarily are not very appealing,we end up loosing those precious moments in search of something else.
While I was still in the rambling mode, I get this deadline task..

Friday, April 17, 2009


I am writing after a long time and I think I wrote the last time during the ddp days at IIT. Everyone keeps talking about the principle of change being the only thing that never changes and truly so many things have changed since July. We all encounter many changes everyday but stepping out of the college life into the corporate world was a big change for me which I always thought would be noisy and conspicuous. There was a sense of awareness of things changing around me and hence this blog entry but surprisingly it has been a relatively smooth transition.
All seniors kept talking about the nostalgia and how much do they miss college life and friends which used to make me dread leaving the place and entering into a totally new world. But now I am looking forward to all the new things ahead of me.
I miss IIT a lot and I don't think its possible to reconstruct the experiences of those days in future at any other place but there are so many things which I like so much about the work life. The professionalism which is a part and parcel of the corporate culture to me is an absolute winner over the "coolness quotient notion" of the college days which used to be a popular alibi for not being disciplined most of the times. It feels good to be rewarded for being serious & focused about the goals.
One may say that its about being able to adapt to the surroundings as they change and make the most out of it but lets just say I am not so adaptable (Is this ironic to "the whole life is strewn with ceaseless changes and accepting the change" idea that I started with?) and I am happy being in the place that suits me better.
And ofcourse, I have been shopping like a maniac, what can be more fulfilling than that?;) At the risk of being too optimistic ( excuse the effect of financial lingo ), I will say that it feels great to be growing everyday into a different & better person, closer to what I want to be.
I am just wondering the number of times I have used the word "change" above!