Monday, December 17, 2007


As I was moving ahead in my life journey passing by several milestones and roadblocks, I lost the habit of praying regularly, asking for god's help and nurtured the belief that I do not need to ask him for what I want explicitly, its understood, after all god knows everything. Something was amiss in this belief..what if he didn't know what I want? Would I want to miss something just because I didn't ask !
God surely does know everything but do I know everything about myself? May be not everything! So when I ask god for something for me or for friends and family, don't I actually realize who is important for me? what really do I want?
It helps me keep the focus and direct my actions to those things which mean the most to me and at the same time keeps away negativity by presenting the big picture. Its a wonderful way to keep me tied to who I am, where I belong and where do I want to go! And when things don't go right, I can always trust god for doing what was best for me and help me forgive myself. Its the best way to communicate to your inner self, to the god who exist within you or some place else to let him know you better!